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Tom Mulligan

Behavior always overcomes a fearful attitude . . . doing the behavior that has gotten you results in the past and trying new things, and staying consistent in your efforts will get rid of a lot of the negativity.

Uncertainties in the economy and the market have entered the collective sales psyche for 2023.

Are you putting your prospects through a guilt trip when you struggle to reach them?

Sales managers, stop killing sales by creating an atmosphere of learned helplessness.

A downturn might be approaching. Abandon your sales procedures!

Quit accepting excuses that people don't have money.

They do for the things they want and need to solve problems.

Here's a story I was told at a recent conference.

A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in California when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust cloud towards him.

There's a series of things I have observed in watching salespeople use emails over the last couple of decades to such an extreme that now we are seeing an entire generation who has become reliant.

What happens the first time you try a new selling or management technique?

A potential recession after several years of upheaval had a business owner tell me "Even dead fish float."